Monday, September 8, 2008

Filtering of Significant Modes using MATLAB

We rank the relative importance of the contribution of the each of the individual mode. The elimination of low D C value modes is performed iteratively. It is necessary that after elimination of high frequency modes there should be no significant in response of system. It is observed that last three modes have negligible D C Gain value, hence these modes are eliminated. Transient response result for all modes included and first 3 modes included are obtained. For transient analysis, node3 is selected for application of the force and same node is considered for output.

Graph shows the magnitude of displacement for node 3 with respect to frequency. Five peaks in the graph signify five modes of vibration.

MATLAB© result for node 3 displacement with respect to time is plotted. The disturbance vanishes at 2.5 sec. Same analysis is repeated again, but including only first 3 modes.

Graph shows the magnitude of displacement for node 3 with respect to frequency. Three peaks in the graph signify three modes of vibration.

MATLAB© result for node 3 displacement with respect to time is plotted for all modes included model and first three modes included model on same graph. It is observe that there is no significant difference in response.

Hence, for given structure, first three modes are of importance for controlling purpose.


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